Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back from my trip.

Who knew a trip that you slept all the way through could be so painful. I had my self a lithotrip today. A lithotripsy is a procedure where they use sound waves to abliterate kidney stones and crystals to aid in passing them.
I am now home and resting semi comfortably. I can honestly say I was very anxious about this for several reasons. One reason is I was told 4 different times 4 differant doctors were performing the procedure. Comforting thought number 2 was my report from my xrays said the stone was in my right kidney, the dr and all the procedure paperwork said left. Meeting with the surgery nurse I just told them before you go to bustin make sure its a kidney stone and not one of my testicles. Needless to say they did bust up a stone about the size of a asprin on my right side. Now its time for recovery. Over the next 3 days I have to drink 10-12 glasses of water a day, rest, no heavy lifting, and no sex. I also have the classy and appealing task of straining my urine! T.M.I.?? If it is I don't care.
Before my wonderful asshoe friends can razz me. I'm going to do it myself.

Yes, I had one of my "stones" removed.
No, I don't feel less of a man for having a "stone" removed..
Yes, my "stone" was the size of an asprin.
No, the nurse did not laugh at the size of my "stones".
And yes, this time it is painful to get your "rocks" off.

I think that just about covers it, but I'm sure my more creative friends will still give me the business. Anyway boys and girls I got punched in the kidney today so I'm going to take my meds strain my urine and go to bed. Till mañana!!

Keeping It Skinny,

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Unknown said...

You just keep on keep'in on and spit in the eye of anyone that gives you crap. Speaking of urine - I knew a guy that had to drink his while sailing because he ran out of water. Also, the common treatment for sea urcin stings is to pee on the wound. Most folks don't know that regular urine leaving the body is completely sanitary as the various components do not allow for germ or virus reproduction. Also, another little know fact is that one of the major components of women's make-up is urea. Yep, cow urine. ;)

dpetty17 said...

What up my Mexican/American Semi Pro Gigalo, Poker Shark Buddy? This is my first time to visit your new blog site and I have to say, I am very impressed. I am not a reader of blogs but your witty humor keeps me engaged. Congrats on getting the stones blasted (OUCH!). I am looking forward to next entry of the Skinny Flaco saga! Play on Playa!