Monday, January 19, 2009


Tomorrow holds a milestone in life. Tomorrow the first black president will be sworn into office. This is a bit scary and really cool too. I did not vote for Barack Obama, but I can honestly say since I can't change things I'm very excited about the change. Not sure if President Obama will change the economic reccession, or change the mind of all black men about committing a crime, or change Americas mind about Muslims. What I do know is President Obama has already been elected, will be sworn in, and will be the president for 4 years. Even if he changes nothing, I know I still believe in God, I still believe he provides for my needs, he still keeps me safe, and he's still above all men. Presidents are powerful men, and President Obama could result in being a great president who brought America great success. However, there isn't a president powerful enough to change the hearts of man. I am very proud to be an American and I will be saying a prayer of
thankfulness for our new president. You see I may vote one way but I embrace a certain amount of respect for any man in that position. Again God is always in control and it didn't matter if It was President Obama or President McCain my prayer would still be the same. I will pray for safety, guidance, paitence, and compassion for our new President.

Keeping It Skinny,
"Flaco" Jake


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Bo Snerdly said...

I see the new communist in chief closed your blooging.