Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Is The Bible A Bluff??

I was listening to a conversation at a poker table on how to defend the bible's integrity to other people. The people in the discussion were trying to come up with several historic facts that could prove the stories from the bible. This is a very common strategy to protect ones beliefs in the bible. Often times a man that gets asked the question "how do you know that stuff in the bible really happened??" Its really confusing to me why people have no problem ridiculing someone for their beliefs, because they don't believe the same thing. If I approched that same person about their disbeliefs in the bible it would not go the same way. The bible is a tool that God designed to help us in our daily lives. This is my belief. My belief is that the bible is God's word, God inspired several writers to write this feast we call the bible. I don't partake of this feast as much as I should, but its also my belief that God doesn't just limit his communication to speaking to us through his word. Its very agravating when I see a non-believer going after a "lamb" thinking they are weak. I have seen it even in my own family. Here is a common example; a man goes to his friend who has been going to church for a short period of time and asks, why do you believe in God and the bible?? This always makes me see red a bit. In this day and age a believer even a baby believer feel it is their duty to defend the integrity of the bible. Why do belivers feel this way?? Why do we feel its our job to make people understand the bible, when we ourselves don't fully understand it?? I have personally been involved in several of these situations. The people questioning my beliefs or questioning the bible's accuracy, or historic relevantcy have been very confused by my responces. When confronted with the question "how do you know if the bible is real??" I simply answer "how do you know its not??" If confronted with another question (always another question) such as, "if you feel so confident that the bible is truth then why not show me more proof??" another simple answer is given "why do I need to prove my belief to you, I'm not asking you to prove your disbelief to me." My next answer usually quiets the questions at least for a few moments while they try and understand what I just said. I simply apply the basic tolerence and understanding Christ did while standing in front of Pilot. Although Christ had the power to free himself during his scurging or before his crusifiction, he did not. How is this relevant to my story?? Just like Christ, we have the power to defend ourselves and our beliefs, but Christ already proved himself for us by dieing on the cross. If a person decides not to believe this that is their choice, just like it is my choice to believe it. I also feel that it is not my job to make people believe in what I do, so I will not aggressivly defend my God's word. When posed with the oppurtunity to rumble with someone in a spiritual battle it is a very dangourous spot for even the most faithful believers. The reason it is powerfully dangerous, is we are all sinners and we all fall short of God's plans for our lives. This makes us at times very poor examples or ambassadors of Christ's teachings and comandments. I don't know about all of you but that is a lot of pressure. So if ever confronted with these powerful questions, just remember keep it simple. I am a simple man I believe in the bible because I choose to do so, and my belief will not waiver until I choose to do so. Bottom line is, God's abundant love is given to ALL people. If they dont believe in him he still loves them the same as he loves the most faithful. How do I know this is true?? It says so in the bible!!
Keeping It Skinny,

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