Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Mashed Potatoes Is My Favorite Meal.

I was talking with Candace the other day about meatloaf. Our conversation was a debate on whether or not meatloaf is a meal. She says that meatloaf is an entree that is supposed to have side items such as veggies. I told her that meatloaf is a entire meal in it self. You have meat, some dehydrated onions, and of course ketchup.

This got me to explaining a bit about my childhood too Candace. At the Pettigrew household times were very tough financially. So, our family meals were a little differant from other families.

Top Ten Pettigrew Dinners

10. Eggs and Grits
9. Cereal
8. Ramen Noodles
7. Chicken Soup with Carrots
6. Chicken Soup with Green Beans
5. Macaroni & Cheese with Hamburger
4. Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
3. Chicken and Rice
2. Spagetti
1. Mashed Potatoes

I now know that these meals may be a little confusing for some of you. Yes, spagetti is a meal by itself. Bread?? What is that for?? Veggie sides?? For what??

At my house one of these dishes was in our eyes a full course meal. And at least half of these dishes were full course breakfast, lunches, and dinners. Because my mom made enough leftovers to feed us the next few days. Don't misunderstand me, sometimes we ate high on the hog. Roast with mashed potatoes and velveeta shells and cheese was our filet mignon. But the meat was gone that night everytime. However, there was always a lot of my favorite stuff left for days to come. That is why my favorite meal to this day is Mashed Potatoes.

I love going back and thinking about old times. If my family did not have these mashed potatoe times of trouble, we wouldn't have the mashed potatoe times of triumph.

Keeping It Skinny,

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~J~ Pettigrew said...

Hey little brother, you left off my two favorite "any time of the day" meals - oatmeal and cream-o-wheat! To this day I can eat one of those two no matter what time it is! In fact, I'm gonna go make some oatmeal right now!

Rot Weiss said...

Respect for the Mashed Potato call. Always been my top meal and the speed my teeth are falling out I think it always will be:)