guess the hint should have been, no catchy symbolic fighting analogies. Like "Look eye always look eye" or "First learn stand then learn fly". Instead it was "Drink, you will get heat stroke if you don't" or "Add water to that paint it will make it last longer". Make no mistake all analogies by both wise old men are priceless and I take them to heart. I don't think people realize how much old men and woman in our lives really affect our lives, for life. I love to joke about my grandfathers little quirks and his old sayings, but my grandfathers have been instrumental to me in learning about life. I challenge you who read this to give the Mr. Miyagi in your life a call and say thanks for teaching you to "Wax on wax off, sand the floor, paint the fence, paint the house, breathe in breathe out, look eye always look eye, and the best one BANZAI!!!!!!!!!"
Keeping It Skinny,
Flaco son Jake
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