Friday, February 15, 2008

This Really Blows!!

Its been a wonderful week boys and girls. Tuesday I dealt a good buddies power poker game made some money and gave some money away on a stupid game of swoosh. Wednesday spent the day at home with no voice and a cough and my sick daughter. Here's where it gets pathetic. Thursday Feb. 14th 2008 its freaking valentines day!! Its what I like to call guaranteed nookie night. And!! And!! Its my freaking birthday!! What I also like to call guaranteed hooters wings for dinner and nookie night. Instead I was at the Dr's office with bronchitis and an upper respitory infection. Driving home I am realizing I am not going to be getting any nookie tonight. However, thanks to my pop I did get some hooters wings for dinner. Also because of pop I did get to play some poker too. It was a heads up match between me and him for $50 bucks. I ended up beating him and it wasn't better timing because minutes later I had a bad reaction to my antibiotics was up for 4 hours ready
to hurl. Happy mother loving birthday to me!! I remember thinking tomorrow is going to be better, I will have had antibiotics in my system, I get to play poker tomorrow night, maybe I might get some cash presents from some of my poker buds, all positives. All I gotta say is I must have been toked up for thinking that. Instead I spent the morning blowing rainbow colored snot and boogers out of my nose with no voice again. Then being told by my wife she called the Dr. and he now thinks an ER trip is in order to rule out phneumonia. With this decision I realize I probably won't be playing poker tonight. At the ER they rule out phneumonia and just switch my meds. I am feeling pretty good so I ask Candace "hey don't you think I could go play poker tonight, at least till about 8:30pm??" Umm, if you know my wife you know what the answer was. So its 7:30pm I'm at home in bed watching recordings of poker after dark, wishing I was donking my chips off. To twist
the knife even more I still don't see myself getting any nookie tonight! But hey I'm not bitter, and besides its cheaper if I stay home. But my good buddy Eloy V. commented "all the dead money is sick, so why go??" You playas can eat my shorts! I'll be rounding again soon.

Keeping It Skinny,

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Planet Starbucks

On the way to church this morning we stopped to get Candace some coffee. Little did I know but we were going to a differant planet to buy her coffee. Our shuttle arrived at a brick building with a drive through window. On a sign as you enter the atmosphere to this planet had a strange language and strange writing. Words like venti, mochachino, frapachino, maciato and many others I can't pronounce. I was already concerned about my safety on this planet when a voice came over a speaker. On this planet I'm not sure how to determine the gender of its inhabitants. The voice sounded almost male but had quite a female twang especially when repeating the order back. I was oblivious on how to speak starbukian so I let Candace order her own. It was actually quite impressive to listen to her quickly spout off their very odd language. After ordering we drove to the next window to pay. This is when I realized that planet earth coffee money was no good here. Here at
planet starbucks an earthlings usual fifty cents for coffee has been replaced by a five dollar bill. After paying and then starting to drive off I start to wonder, how many trips to this planet does Candace make each week?? Do I really want to know??

Keeping It Skinny,

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